Saturday, January 24, 2009

First Snow, Second Snow, etc. etc. etc.

It's snowing - AGAIN! Somehow the first snow in November or December is magical but now it is getting old. It snowed yesterday and it is snowing again today. I know it is only January but where we used to live Hyacinth and Tulip shoots were coming up by now. I am gearing up for the rest of winter, assuring myself I can make it until April. Until then I will try to lose myself in indoor projects. Oh well, snowmobilers and skiers will be happy.

1 comment:

SKH said...

Don't let the snow melt yet. We are really looking forward to some time off and spending it up there. We were singing popcorn popping the other day in primary and it got me excited for spring and the trees to start popping. Oh well, I guess I will just have to wait as well...