We stayed up at the cabin after the reunion until this weekend. We are going back up tonight and Ralph says he is finding a corner to hide in so he can work on his " Homes of the Prophets " project. In the meantime he has helped his father who is recovering from stomach cancer, done some of his mother's projects, taken two horse rides with his brother, Paul, into the southwest corner of Yellowstone Park and visited with other members of his family. He also went to a car auction in Las Vegas with our son-in-law, Chad, and enjoyed it immensely. The biggest news is that he attended without buying a car. He said he was impressed at Chad's self-discipline not to get caught up in the emotion of car buying.
We got back some pictures of the reunion yesterday which brought many good memories of family at the reunion. Ralph says he will post some on my blog later today. The wildflowers have changed to millions of Sticky Geraniums and Lupine. We also have white daisies blooming now too. I hope everyone enjoys what little bit of summer is left